Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My girlfriends doesn't want to do an abortion?

My friend you have a situation on your hand alot of people will debate that her keeping the baby is the right thing . But you want abortion I can understand what I am about to say will sound mean and evil but I am here to help you , you need to always stay calm talk with out acting frantic tell her how much you love her remind her of a time you were so happy remind her of a time you wanted so badly you wanted to meet her tell her about some plan for you and her in the future tell about the house you wanted you and her to live in tell her how poor you guys are tell her how hard it will be to do ( something a dream she told you ) how you will love to have a baby's by her how you told your brother or close friend about days you thoUght marrying her could work out fine even with you guys being young . But how you mom would be let down being so young and not being married . Tell her a baby is something you have time to plan ask her please tell you what she is thinking tell her" we can't do good by this baby we can't afford our own place , please wait give us time. give you the time you need to be a good dad and have a good home " .now it's up to you Right now you need to start crying it's your only hope . 2 things could happen she comfort you while you are cry asking please wait or she could say you can be a good dad we can make it, then you say how if you live here and I live there( in upset tone )how if were so poor my mom will hate you my mom wont forgive me how .crying running out the room. In the end make her think it was her idea ( go with her to the clinic )ps never use the word abortion

So if neither Bush nor Reagan is running for president?

Will the democrats stop deflecting to them instead of taking responsibility for their own actions? I understand you democrats really hate Bush, but he's not running and Obama made things worse. Why not vote someone new in?

My girlfriend is acting more rebellious than usual?

Usually she's pretty calm and isn't really into partying, but since we finished high school she's been going to nightclubs and really crazy parties. I don't really mind, but I'm a little worried because she's usually more soft-spoken. I asked her if she was okay but she just said it was because she was "from a sheltered family and just wanted to live for once in her life," which does make sense because her family was very over-protective. I'm just really worried about her, and it seems like she's taking this too far. She's been forgetting nights and has gotten thinner.

Why does my mum always do the things i tell her not to do (always have a reason)?

she is the adultl and can do what she wants lol there is nothing that is oing to change this...its just how parents are :/

Are you or aren't you populist?

I've been trying to explain this to conservatives/libertarians for a long time, and no, they usually don't understand who the true rulers of this country are, and that we need to go against them. The government, too, of course, but most important them.


I didn't expect it to happen , my boyfriend and I were just making out and yeah.. BUT . it wasn't his penis that went into me , it was his fingers . Now here's why I think I'm pregnant... Before that happened he had a ***** when we were making out , he unzipped his pants and touched his penis to try to calm it down, but then I saw he came a little , so now I'm wondering what if he touched the sperm with the same fingers he fingered me with? But he came just a little bit , the size of a rain drop. And this happened the day AFTER I was done with my period, so I was done ovulating .I'm just really worried at this point, I'm not ready for a child and I didn't plan on this happening. I asked him if he knew if there was sperm on his fingers when he did it but he said hes sure he didn't get any but I'm just freaking out right now. I don't want to tell my parents about this either , only my cousin and 2 of my best friends know about this... I really dont know what to do. PLEASE HELP ME...

Anxiety and panicking help?

Yes, I have a very good idea. Go to and download the free manual. It will show you how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques. I promise you that this will solve your problem. Another good thing you can do is to take Rescue Remedies. (From The Bach Flower range) Good luck with your exam!

How much do Six Flags tickets cost at Jewel?

So I plan on going to Six Flags and was told that it is more expensive at the gate. I was also told that tickets go for about $25 at Jewel. Is this true? I live in Chicago and plan on going to the one in Gurnee, Illinois.

What are some anime that i can watch?

Peach girl (i only watched some of it) um fruites basket. Chrono crusade (it has alot of action in it but there is also alot of love) thats all I could really think of...

A customer asks you a question and you are not sure of the answer. You feel the customer expects you to know..?

i would like to choose the 3rd & 4th option since you will not make the customers offended and the 3rd option shows that you like finding out things while the 4th option shows that you like asking people about things you do not know. You can confess to them that you don't understand/know the answer & use the 3rd/4th option so that customers will not feel so offended with your attitude.

Need legal help about a fight?

So my aunt recently called me asking for help (I took criminal Justice in school for a year). She said she got into a fight at Wal Mart with another woman. The story goes like this. My aunt was walking and she noticed some guy following here, she finally turned around and asked why the guy was following her.He said she was beautiful and handed her a business card. My aunt was not interested and said thank you. As she turned around the Guy's Baby mother came around and cursed my aunt out. She got into my aunt's face, put her hand in her face and everything. My aunt walked away into the bathroom to calm down. As she leaves the bathroom, the babymother is waiting for her to exit so she can talk more trash to her, she put her hand in my aunt's face and continued to curse her out. My aunt retaliated after that and there was a fight. My thing was, that my aunt was provoked, before she walked away and after she walked away. I was also considering emotional distress in this sort of matter, as the baby mother continued to bash my aunt. But I am no lawyer. can somebody please help me. Mind you this is all on video camera . Please and thanks!

Ive always had a moral reservation against expensive jewelry, and general distrust towards those who buy it or?

...sell it. I have tried to get past it but I can't help mysels. I can't see any point on it other than pride or vanity. Its not like real art, scupture, music, poem, painting, or archectecture, it dosent convay drama or feeling like these do, and it seems to exist so the person wearing it can enjoy the flattery of others who wear it and are impressed. Is this a malfunction? Am I missing the point of expensive jewelry? It seems to be an insignifiicant way to use significant money. I just can't trust people who do that. I guess I think theyre selfish snobs deep down. Is it only me? Its like gangs who wear some identifyng garb, and in this case is a snob gand and jewels are what identify them to each other. Its mainly the ones preoccupied with costly jewelry who I don't trust...I guess I see them as little Queen of Hearts, like on Alice in Wonderland movie. Am I odd for this whole view?

Which conclusion of Rutherford's gold foil experiment is supported by the results of his experiment?

The first point - since most it went through the gold foil, he knew that the atoms had large empty spaces in and between them.

What is the minimum air speed needed to lift the penny off the tabletop?

In a dramatic lecture demonstration, a physics professor blows hard across the top of a copper penny that is at rest on a level desk. By doing this at the right speed, he can get the penny to accelerate vertically, into the airstream, and then deflect it into a tray, as shown in the figure . Assuming the diameter of a penny is 2.00 cm and its mass is 2.60 g, what is the minimum air speed needed to lift the penny off the tabletop in m/s? Assume the air under the penny remains at rest.

Can a giant ant's exoskeleton deflect a robot's laser beam?

I ask this question all the time. It rather depends if the robot is a giant robot, which they usually are in situations of this type, in which case I would say no.

Ive always had a moral reservation against expensive jewelry, and general distrust towards those who buy it or?

...sell it. I have tried to get past it but I can't help mysels. I can't see any point on it other than pride or vanity. Its not like real art, scupture, music, poem, painting, or archectecture, it dosent convay drama or feeling like these do, and it seems to exist so the person wearing it can enjoy the flattery of others who wear it and are impressed. Is this a malfunction? Am I missing the point of expensive jewelry? It seems to be an insignifiicant way to use significant money. I just can't trust people who do that. I guess I think theyre selfish snobs deep down. Is it only me? Its like gangs who wear some identifyng garb, and in this case is a snob gand and jewels are what identify them to each other. Its mainly the ones preoccupied with costly jewelry who I don't trust...I guess I see them as little Queen of Hearts, like on Alice in Wonderland movie. Am I odd for this whole view?

I get flushed/red and embarrased really easily!? HELP!!?

its seems like you just to get out a little more, it seems to be happening cause youre not used to interaction outside your comfort zone(ppl you normally associate with), used to happen to me and then i got a life, not to come off like a dick or anything but sounds like what happened to me and then i got out a lot more,(i had an abusive mother that kept me trapped tho)

What's the best way to store cd's &/or dvd's?

Should I keep them upright in thin jewel cases or in the upright plastic cylinder case with the fuzz on the inside of sleeves.i've noticed the sleeves leave spots on my cd's but will they get scratched in the cases?

What can I put in my hair so it wont go so frizzy?

I naturally have wavy hair so whenever I get out the shower it gets REALLY frizzy and crazy! I usually straighten it to calm it down. I just found out that Im going to have to take swimming classes for my high school and I dont want to come out of the pool with my hair super crazy! Is there something I can put so It wont frizz.

Is this a good Team to defeat Ghetsis on pokemon Black?

meinfoo evolves at lv 50 and you can choose wich ones you would like to use to beat ghetsis i have the list of pokemon he uses in the final battle click on the link. and i dont know another site instead of pokeCharms srry

When i sing it sounds like im moaning.. :( oh no?

no matter how hard i try or how much i dont try, how loud or quiet i am it comes out like moaning! my natural talking voice is your basic high pitch california voice, high pitch, calming, i either talk really slow or really fast you get it. ok well i dont know if i sing high or low i think im in the middle cause i can do both; just not well. im a pretty sucky singer. i really want to be able to sing anything from selena gomez to maroon 5 to all time low to mumford and sons to katy perry to the killers to the main to kesha.i dont want to sing like them i just want to be able to do a huge range of songs while keeping my voice unique, well yeah you get it. why does it sound like im moaning and how do i fix it?even when i talk it some times sounds like im moaning i do moan a lot. im just very vocal. i really need to fix it. its embarrassing that i cant sing without sounding like im in pain or overly excited....

Which dress do you prefer?

i dont know of any similar ones, sorry. but i'm loving the 3rd and 1st!!!!! if you want a glam look, choose number 3. for something unique, choose number 1

Does Jewel-Osco sell tart pans?

I need a 12-inch tart pan with a removable bottom for baking. Does jewel sell these or will I have to go elsewhere?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

When i am home alone my german shephard wont calm down.(please read the whole post before you answer)?

Sounds like your bf is the alpha dog in your pack. You are providing love but not enough leadership/discipline. You will need to practice a little tougher love and insist that he behave as well for you as he does for your boyfriend.

Is my turtle truly happy?

I have a 3 legged painted turtle named Blossom. I found her as a wild turtle and I kept her because she was unhealthy and she only had 3 legs. She is now healthy and calm around people. Her tank isn't the biggest but she has an outdoor habitat that she stays in on nice, warm days. How can I tell if she is happy?

Why did Jimmy carter give away the Panama Canal?

We made Panama a country, we bought and paid for the Canal, and we maintained it. So, why does a president who is scared of a rabbit give away a crown jewel of American know how and determination?

What is the button to press when deflecting in God of War 3?

When the Half Circle arrow appears over the enemy when your attacking them, what button do you press before the arrow fills?

How do I print a jewel case insert for a cd burned with Windows Media Player 12?

In my Windows XP I could highlight the playlist I burned and just click 'file' - "print" and it would print all the songs I burned on a jewel case insert. Now I have Windows 7 and there is no option on the 'file' menu. have searched extensively and cannot see how I can print all the songs in my playlist.

Is this a scenario where the person was "asking" to get hit/attacked?

Your friend is seriously out of control. She does not have the right to hit another person regardless of the reason. Going to jail might be beneficial.

Do you know anyone who has ever won in a grievance prodecure at a college taken all the way to the president?

It started as a grade grievance with honest, documented proof. College policy was violated because the college director did not answer within the 7 days policy states. I have remained calm, cofident and respectful at each turn watching all cover their backs. Do I stand a chance taking it to the president as my next step?

How to feel better about myself?

Just try to accept who you are. I don't like who I am and I am always getting bullied by other "normal" people but everyone is just who we are. Just ignore everyone else and stop sobbing to yourself. Plus there is no point on doing all this because stress will lead up to lots of gross pimples. :)

Exam in a couple of hours please answer this?

An electron and a proton with same KE are pushed in a chamber having E and H fields with are opposite in direction. If the proton passes through this combination of fields un-deflected will the electron too pass un-deflected?

I keep going faint.......?

It could be many things but what comes to mind is diabetes, blood pressure, eyes or even an ear infection. Please go see a doctor.

Is this wierd for a cat?!!!?

I have a cat whose about 10 months old and he's terrified of balloons. They don't have to be helium balloons, just regular size balloons filled with air. He's never been exposed to balloons before or anything like that and he's an indoor cat. My daughters birthday party was a few days ago and there were balloons. And he's been so terrified for days he won't go anywhere but under the bed. The party was a few days ago and all the balloons are gone but he still freaks out if he goes in the living room or any other part of the house. He's so cautious and his eyes are wide open as I have tried to bring him to the living room to show him the balloons are gone but he still gets freaked out and tries his best to claw his way out of my arms everytime I show him. He used to be such a calm animal who would basically follw you around everywhere you went. I don't know what to do anymore. Is this normal in a way? How can I help my cat get over his fear of balloons even though they're not even in the house anymore?

Scary attack this morning, could I be diabetic?

This morning, I had the scariest thing happen. When I woke up I had a rapid heart rate and was shakey...didn't think too much of it, but when I stood up out of bed, I was incredibly weak and shakey, hard to catch my breath when I tried to talk, and literally felt like I was going to fall down. I then began to sweat badly! I'm talking sweat literally soaking my clothes and running down my legs. I looked down and my arms, legs and face were red. Red like I had just gotten out of a hot shower. I felt hungry. I went to the fridge and for some reason, grabbed the OJ and chugged a bunch... within a literally a minute of that, the severe shaking and sweating stopped. My heart rate stayed up for a few more minutes, and so did the red skin, but within about 10 minutes of drinking the OJ, I was fine. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?!? I'm freaking out and called my doctor, but if anyone knows what happened to me, please help calm me down.

An Emo poem - care to read and cc?

I guess this is why people pay a shrink. This one's a keeper, doe. I really, really liked it. Great opener, full body, smooth, neat finish.

Please help me with this wedding drama?

I read a lot of the answers and one of them really pissed me off. It does not matter if you can afford to pay the $175 for your meal or not. The people that are getting married should pay for everything. If the want a three course meal then they should pay for it. Asking for donations to pay the church is down right tacky. This whole thing sounds like a mess. My husband would not even have to tell me to back out cause once I got that email I would have replied thanks but no thanks, wish you the best. The called C and told her I am sorry but I can not do this.

0.1% of alpha particles were deflected back by nucleus, why did Rutherford say it very massive? and not small.?

He did not say "occupies most space in the atom" as you mention. In fact, he concluded precisely the opposite .... that there was a central +ve charge with less than 1/3000th of the diameter of the atom, i.e. the core is very very small part of the atom and since almost all the mass is stored there, it's very dense.

Does methamphetamine act as a partial/full beta-blocker?

We know that small doses of d-methamphetamine calm certain people down, is this due to its effect as a beta-blocker or something else?

What other artists would I be good at singing?

I am planning on auditioning for some things and only feel like I have two really good songs that I can sing- Ironic by Alanis Morissette and Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar. I also enjoy singing Jewel's older songs as well. Do you have any recommendations for me regarding other songs that would fit my style??

Nervous for my driving test?

im taking my driving test tomorrow on a closed course and i'm really nervous. I'm not a huge fan of driving in general and am always doubting myself. I've been practicing a bunch at the course the last few days and have done pretty well so i think i can pass unless my nerves get the best of me which is definitely possible. How can i calm myself down so my nerves don't affect my driving?

My dad yelled at me and I gave him the middle finger?

There has never been a day that passed in my life (im 18) where my dad did not yell or curse at me. Seriously, my earliest memories of him was his yelling and cursing at me. anyways, today he REALLY yelled, and yeah i talked back but I never yelled back, i just replied in a calm voice. After 5 minutes he wouldn't shut up and I was just ignoring him and my blood was boiling inside me! i couldn't take it but i couldn't tell him to shut up. But i lost control of myself and i gave him the middle finger and he just about exploded. he was shaking from anger and i got real scared. i tried to calm him down and he just ran and yelled even more. i could see people outside my house stop outside. I feel so guilty for doing that but at the same time i can't say im sorry for doing it. i can't really express myself verbally so i felt that was the only way i could express myself at the time. I think this pretty much ended our relationship. Do you think it was a horrible thing for me to do? Should I move out? I don't think i can face him any longer....

Is it illegal to trick my girlfriend into taking abortion pills?

HAHA what can I say that hasn't already been said? Just don't do it, you'll get caught. Contrary to most of the people who replied, I feel like you're perfectly valid for not wanting to have a baby when you're not ready but the reality is its not up to you - sorry. The law is on her side & you're going to have to accept that, HOWEVER, nobody can make you care for the child or participate in its life. She can come after you for child support if she chooses so if I were you, I'd be as nice as you can to her & try to keep things friendly between the two of you at least. The last thing you want is a pissed off baby-momma after you. If you're lucky, you'll get out of this with a little out of your paycheck every week - so be grateful.

Do the rangers fans actually think they are better than celtic because of 1point?

Lol Just because yous gained 93pts and we got 92. We have been playing the better football , we have the better team . We only lacked expereince that showed in the first old firm and droppin the points in consective home games in december against killie, dundee and ict i think. And since then we have gotten better .Yous havent beat us at your home and your only victory against us in the 6 old firm games in 2011 was a extra time deflected goal. Yous call us shite and laugh yet ye cant beat us. . if all are players had been at the club for a season or 2 we would of won the league Easy and Yous know it . . . . opinions and deflections!!!

Ive always had a moral reservation against expensive jewelry, and general distrust towards those who buy it or?

...sell it. I have tried to get past it but I can't help mysels. I can't see any point on it other than pride or vanity. Its not like real art, scupture, music, poem, painting, or archectecture, it dosent convay drama or feeling like these do, and it seems to exist so the person wearing it can enjoy the flattery of others who wear it and are impressed. Is this a malfunction? Am I missing the point of expensive jewelry? It seems to be an insignifiicant way to use significant money. I just can't trust people who do that. I guess I think theyre selfish snobs deep down. Is it only me? Its like gangs who wear some identifyng garb, and in this case is a snob gand and jewels are what identify them to each other. Its mainly the ones preoccupied with costly jewelry who I don't trust...I guess I see them as little Queen of Hearts, like on Alice in Wonderland movie. Am I odd for this whole view?

Was anyone surprised by Pinto tonight?

ur talking about pinto? what about Casillas? he was un belivable. do u think barca goal was offside? i think by 10 cm or something probably less than 1 miter

Why is My Puppy Suddenly Aggressive?

Sometimes when a normally nice pet pet all of sudden acts aggressive, it may mean they are in pain. Take him to the vet for an exam is my suggestion.

What is the most common wind direction 15 degrees south of earth equator?

The southeast trade winds. Winds are trying to blow from the sub-tropical ridge towards the equator but they are deflected to the west by the rotation of the earth which is called the Coriolis effect. Consequently the winds are southeasterlies.

Monday, July 18, 2011

In Volleyball is a deflection from my own team count as a hit?

On the second hit my teammate hits the ball hard into the net, the ball comes off of the net and deflects of my chest. Does that count as the third hit? Or can I hit the ball after?

Please help im really losing it now?

hi guys n gals. 4 yrs ago i lost my brother to a very sick muscle wasting and brain wasting disorder (Huntington's disease) 3 months after he died i started to drink very heavily but got detoxed and no im alcohol free. from been a child i was diagnosed with bpd (borderline personality disorder) 2/12 yrs ago i was all so diagnosed with ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) and now im getting a lot worse. im getting very angry for no reason with the people i love and the ones that love me. now im a 39 yr old man with a superb son who is doing great in collage and im so proud of him. i also have a fantastic wife who helps me in every way she can.but yesterday my son said something to me and for no reason i felt my blood boil and i really wanted to hurt him physically and the only way i stopped my self was to leave the house for a hour to calm down but im so scared that one day i might snap and really hurt somebody and its not natural for a 39 yr old father to want to hurt my own son ..thanks for reading this any suggestions advise would be gratefully appreciated

Do cats experience a major change at a certain age?

It seems like younger cats tend to be more kitten looking and leggy. They also seem to be a lot more wild and playful. At what age do cats tend to fill out, loose their kitten characteristics, and calm down a lot. I know that there has to be a rapid change at some age, because a 2 year old cat is so much different than a 5 year old cat

What do I do about him?

My boyfriend is my best friends brother, we have been dating for a couple days now, and my best friend has been ignoring me, she says that she feels like a third wheel around us, I don't disagree with her, her brother is too into me! he doesn't let go of my hand, hes always hugging me and kissing me, and he never gives me any privacy! I broke my old boyfriends heart when I dumped him last month, he just got over me with a new girl, and I kinda miss my old boyfriend now, I shouldn't have dumped him, I still have feelings for him. But my new guy, Quinn is so nice to me! He treats me like i am a precious jewel to him! And when he hugs me, I feel safe ,but I guess I am jealous of my old boyfriend. Whenever people were around Joe (my old boyfriend), he would always show me off, but when we were alone, I was kinda like his buddy to watch a game with. And Quinn makes me feel like I belong with him, and we have been sorta friends for 3 years now, but his sister and I have been friends for since second grade!!! What do I do about this?

Prom hairstyle's for long brown hair with side bangs?

At prom and those sort of occasions its good to give your hair volume, and style it full and curly. Use a root boosting straightener then a curler, then lift it using hairspray and volumising moose/spray. Since your hair is a bit long, you can either leave straight and the bottom and volumed at the top, or tie it up slightly and curl it. You could also put the hair in front rather than behind, only on one side (if that makes sense, lol). just check hairstyles online :)

What should I wear to a early November wedding?

I am just a greeter. Jewel tones and deep fall colors are the possibilities. It will be cold with a possibility of snow. Please help!

Embarrassed about how I acted and loosing confidence as a rider. Help?

get it out of your head. The more you think on this the more mistakes ur gonna make. Clear your head. Mentally start fresh. In my lifetime of riding i cannot tell you how many times ive fallen off. Big damaging falls(my right shoulder is smaller than the left because of the scar tissue ive accumalated there) and small falls that you laugh about. Ive cried on a horse, ive fallen and due to the horse running over me had to walk back with no pants (now its funny -then it wasnt) and you know what ? I wouldnt change it. Ive fallen so much im not scared anymore. You go through these weird patches when it everything feels like its off...then you come right again. All of these experiences are gold to your experience. A top competing rider who has never fallen off or cried or gotten mud on their shoes still has less experience as you. Experience is not the level you compete at or how perfectly you can ride its the amount of **** youve put up with and survived.

Why do I keep hurting myself?

Sometimes, usually at night, I get extreme impulses to hit myself, punch myself, pinch myself (etc). Basically, anything that will cause pain to me. It's basically like...I'm lying in bed and all of a sudden I feel as though I .need. to do this. Then, I have to tell myself to stop and to calm down, but eventually, the craving comes back. What's happening to me?

What dog breed sounds best for me?

No matter what you should walk your dog once a day even if it is a lazy breed. Funny enough I think that a rottweiler (one of the breeds you actually like) may be a good choice. I had one for years and she way very calm and was a fantastic dog. The problem with Rottweilers is that you may want one that is still a puppy (between 6-8 months) because they can get bad habits and can be aggressive if you do not establish dominance and teach them that biting is not acceptable. They are incredibly stubborn dogs but are definitely worth all the training and work in the end.

Need help with my family 10 points?

.Lexi sometimes we feel the world has given us a raw deal.I'm sure your mom has had so much grief recently, that everything she loves gets hurt.You can't do anything for a brother who won't help himself.In spite of all this though there's 1000s of people worse off than you are.About the cleaning you can perhaps reach an arrangement with mom.Sorry I have no advice,accept do what you're doing and be happy,sorry

What motherboard can i upgrade to (10 points)?

i like the first link best. enjoy =P

How to tell if a 360 game has Live?

I remember on Xbox Originals it said Live across the jewel case, but on 360 games they all say live at the top right corner, even if they don't have Xbox Live! Is there some other way to find out if an xbox 360 game has xbox live?


Wondering which colors I should get. I have dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, fairly tan/olive skin. I can't decide whether to go with the natural colors, or go for something colorful. If I do get colors, I want to stay with jewel tones like purple or turquoise. I'm getting 3 in a bunch. Would one purple one go with 2 natural ones? Or what other colors should I get with purple. I'm open to any suggestions! :)

How can I keep the magic in my life when I'm not traveling?

When I traveled for an entire year at 18 I had the best time, meeting the interesting and the strange folk, ceasing opourtunities as an artist and a person, always finding ways to keep the ball rolling. But now that I have returned home I seem to have become calmer than ever and to be loosing the magic, because things around me are not as inspiring and comfort is tempting. I want to find the magic again! What could I do?

Updating My Fish Tank, Any Ideas?

I ask this question before in a 2 part question but it was to long so I cut it in half since people don't want to read long question. So I have a 55 gallon tank right now with a Firemouth (2.5 - 3 inches) and a Rainbow Shark (3 - 3.5 inches). Anyway Im going to get a 75 gallon Tank for my Firemouth and my Rainbow Shark, and wanted to get 2 or 3 more fish depending on their size. Some fish I wanted to get were a Green Terror, Jack Dempsey, Convict Cichlid, Jeweled Cichlid or Blood Parrot. Obviously I know I cant have all this fish but I Wanted to know which fish I could have that would be ok with my Firemouth and Rainbow Shark, or at least with my Firemouth, I can just have my Rainbow shark in another tank. THANKS!

So was rangers fc january signings really a masterstroke from walter smith?

The only signing im gutted about missing out on was the Commons deal, other than that couldnt care less.

Baseball official scoring question?

If the shortstop's throw to second beat the runner but was dropped by the secondbaseman then it's a fielder's choice and an E-4.

Is it healthy to let my puppy eat yogurt for constipation?

seizure like episodes are NOT NORMAL. seizing puppies are NOT NORMAL. take her to the freaking vet.

How( martial artist only ) slow should i practice each movement ?

Practicing slowly allows you to make sure you have the proper technique. It also helps with muscle control. Practice as slow as you need to to ensure you have the correct posture and alignment. You can then speed up gradually, going only as fast as you can while maintaining good form. Speed and power come much more easily when you have good technique and control. It sounds like your practice is working for you, and ultimately you should do what works for you and what you feel comfortable with.

I know someone who knows someone who knows someone?

that has a clone. Their clone has become very jealous that they are not the original. This person wants to know how to get the clone to calm down with this situation and just be happy that they are a clone of a great person?

Do you like KISS despite Gene Simmons Family Jewels being a fake show?

I do, despite the fact that the 'family' takes multiple shots to get the correct camera angle and that the dance between Gene and Shannon while Nick sang was like something from a Soap Opera. And that the show seems to have descended into a WWF like muck, yeah, I like them still. Sigh.

Which NFL Cornerback is better?

Saying that the only reason Asomgua never gets an interception is because "quarterbacks are scared to throw to him" is an excuse. You pay somebody to make plays and Revis makes more plays than Asomgua by a longshot. I think Charles Woodson should also be in the running, he gets a ton of picks.

He constantly says this, does it mean he's cheating?

My husband and I both say that to each other all the time. If he comes home from work and the back door is open because our toddler has been playing outside, he may say... you boyfriend forgot to shut his door on the way out. or somthing like that... and if he is late coming home I will say something like... Tell your girlfriend that next time she keeps you out this late... your not getting dinner for a month, so she needs to let you come home on time or she will be cooking for you! but we are both kidding! Neither of us are cheating and i am 1million % possitive!

So? Now that the KKK is deflecting Westboro Baptists...are they now the good guys?

I say we give both groups shot guns and rifles and turn em loose in the woods and let em have at eachother! (though I have to admit I'd root for the KKK, at least they support the troops. I mean seriously! how is it possible for anyone to have so much blind hate in their hearts!?)

Can I get an explanation on socialism from the Bachmann crowd?

She stated that Obama-care was the " crown jewel " of socialism . YET her family receives government payments from farm subsidies . many of her constituents receive millions more for ethanol subsidies ... Maybe it's socialism when the benefits are for all and capitalism when the government CHOOSES which industry to get the money ? Are pigs and corn exempt ?

What do you think of my poem? Please, I need some constructive criticism?

This is a wonderful poem, I love it! Though, in this line, "swirl up calmly and place my head" did you mean to say "curl up calmly and place my head"? That's the only thing I could find to "critique" because it's really very good. Sorry! :)

I need help with a rash.?

i have a rash on my inner thigh/groin right at the top of my legs (sort of either side of the jewels). i'm a virgin so it can't be an STI, i thought it would just go away but it's been sticking around for a few weeks now. i live in a hostel and someone here had scabies about a month or two ago. i don't really associate with him and it doesn't really sound like it is that. but i'm a little worried and don't know what it is. could anyone help me with this please?

Am I a tomboy or girly girl? should I pick between the two?

In the school year I am more feminine. I were skinny jeans with jewels and ballet flats and plush boots and sparkly necklaces and a bunch of makeup! I love shopping at the mall and hunting/rating guys. I scream at spiders and giggle at everything..but that's just the school year! when summer comes around I feel like a tomboy! I were basketball shorts only do a little makeup I ride my BMX bike through hills and trails and mud, we roll down hills in big plastic tubes at a construction sight into the muddy water and Ive swam in a storm drain resovour for crying out loud! We go camping and I go barefoot and my feet are so dirty there black! I climb trees, shoot cans, and hang with the guys! Am I a tomboy? or a girly girl? or both? should I only be one ore is ok to be both?

Woman who is always nervous?

I know this woman who is 50 years old who is extremely nice. She is such a nice person however, she is always nervous all the time. She has an asshole 30 year old daughter who has not gotten married and a jerk husband. I feel soo sorry for her. How can I help her overcome this nervousness and let her be calm?

Releasing my turtles?

I released my turtles in a pond that's at a park. i didn't think this was all that bad of an idea because the pond is really calm and it has a few of other turtles living there. i think its a man-made pond and there are very few fish there and ducks. people come by a lot and throw food into the water to feed the ducks and turtles so i didn't think food was to much of a problem, but everywhere i read that releasing a turtle into the wild is a bad idea and i know in my heart it is, but what is the chance of my turtles living in this kind of environment?

I need to say this, but I can't tell anyone..?

Something that always works for me when I am mad is going out to a remote place eg. a field and just shouting. I always feel as though I have pushed the negativity out of my body. Although it might not always be the BEST answer, hitting something is good too. Providing it's a pillow or something soft!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do you think Jeb Bush will have much of a shot challenging Nancy Pelosi for the 2016 presidential election?

If Pelosi was running, Obama would have her as VP at the current time. How many months of your silly life are you going to go with this Pelosi for Pres thing? You are constantly on this non-issue. I'd rather listen to the one-note-song: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What do you think of this anti-feminist quote?

"We must not allow ourselves to be deflected by the feminists who are anxious to force us to regard the two sexes as completely equal in position and worth."

Is he just leading me on?

It sounds like he really likes you but is unsure whether you like him. It seems like you both draw away from each other at different times. I think that you should initiate a conversation and joke about where he's been for the last week. I think he'd be happy to hear from you! :-)

Today (possibly) I will be a week pregnant. I have some questions for experienced women only?

Everyone has different symptoms. I personally has none of the symptoms you described when I was pregnant. Go to your local health Dept/planned parenthood or doctor and get an accurate test done. They can also answer all of your questions accurately and can explore if you have any other issues going on. Good luck

I call BS on Osama death, I want to see the corpse, up close?

and pee on his face, then I will believe. Don't you see they are trying to deflect from the fact Obama was born in another galaxy. Wake up folks, the lizard people are here.

Should this play be called offensive interference?

The umpire made the correct call, but in that situation the SS should have drilled the runner in the face with the ball as it sounds like there was no attempt to get down and out of the way.

Single mum with a 21 month old daughter. is she hitting milestones?

My daughter and I have been alone together since she was 6 months old. She has been checked out by doctors and is hitting her milestones physicaly. I'm starting to worry now that her development with speaking and listening and following simple comands aren't what they should be. I work part time whilst she goes to nursery, and hoped that would help. She still doesn't say mum, ta, yes or no. infact the only words she does say is "dat" (whats that?) missy (our cat) woof woof (for dog). she also makes the sounds for counting 1 to 10. I'm worried I should be doing more to help her development but with no family support I have no way of asking others advice. She is also throwing BIG temper tantrums which is hard to bare so i put her in her room until she calms down. is that right? she still naps during the day but only when i put her in her cot otherwise she screams because she's so tired. Please help???

Did you see Malinga hitting Watson on his jaws last night, RR vs MI match?

But he didn't wince in pain or his jaws are made of diamond coated steel that didn't cause him any pain? May be ball deflected from his helmet wires. Do you think it hit him hard but he hid his pain? Pollard's reaction was one to watch of this incident.

If a Proton passes from a field undeflected, would an Electron too pas undefelected?

An electron and a proton with same KE are pushed in a chamber having E and H fields with are opposite in direction. If the proton passes through this combination of fields un-deflected will the electron too pass un-deflected?

Are there any dogs know for being good with horses?

I know there are dogs that are known for being good with cows and dogs that are being good with sheep, but I've never heard of dogs that are good around horses. So yeah... that's my question. Are some dogs know for being calmer or more level headed around horses? If I don't get enough answers here I might re-post in the dog section. Thanks guys :) Oh, and if you can, will you tell me how you introduced your dog(s) to your horse(s)? Did you leave your horse untied and keep your dog on leash? I've never really read anything about that. Thanks guys :)

I want to re-do my room, but I have no ideas!?

I'm a teen girl and I want to re-do my room. Right now, it is kind of a "parisian" theme, with black creme and dark red accents. I want to re-do it and make it something sophisticated and not too girly. My vision right now is all white furniture and all white bedding with a crisp, fluffy down comforter. And then a ton of jewel-toned throw pillows. And then colorful, quirky accents like tea-pots, vases, flower arrangements, mirrored chests, and paintings. Any ideas? Please help. I'm so confused

Alpha particle gold foil experiment...?

The alpha particles are moving at too great a speed to attract the electrons. Also, because the electron cloud is so tenuous, the chances of encountering an electron is very small. Finally, the electrons have too little mass to affect the trajectory of an alpha particle. If anything, the electron would be stripped from the gold atom, rather than the electron cloud affecting the alpha particle.

What to do about a new job?

I just had an interview at Jewel and though the hiring manager didn't hire me on the spot she told me to call her in the middle of the week and meet with another person she still has to interview. She also talked to me a little about orientation but didn't actually tell me I'm hired. Though work is just as important to me, I also have plans this Saturday and if I get hired do I skip my plans or try to work around my schedule? What can I do?

Acting out while dreaming?

I guess sometimes my family memebers and Boyfriend have to wake me up from crying hysterically while I'm still asleep. This one time, I was sleeping with my boyfriend, and he told me I got up, screaming on the top of my lungs, running for the front door. He had to grab me and calm me down and put me back to bed but, I couldn't remember any of it at all. And just the other night I suppose I got out of my bed, I laid down up stairs on the couch. I'm a little worried about me not being able to rememeber any of these, other than just the nightmares. Is there something wrong with me? Is there anything I can do?

Does the CD version of Queen's album "Jazz" come with the bicycle race poster?

A poster was included with the original vinyl release of Jazz that had the nude bicycle race. Queen's Crown Jewels box set that included the first 8 albums (including Jazz) came with the same poster, only smaller. I was just wondering if anyone who has bought the CD can answer this. Thank you!

I want to make a fabric collar for my bunny. Is it safe?

I really would love to make a stylish little collar for my bunny, just out of fabric so it is very flexible and would fit her perfect. I don't know if it is safe, though. She is very calm and wouldn't mind it at all.

I Have Pain In My Elbow?

pain is only when i fully extend my elbow it feels really weird like it hurts on the inside its a sharp pain when i extend it fully i feel it only when i play sports and the ball hits my hand when its fully extended it hurt it first while playing football i was going for a pass n i extended my arm to catch it n when i did that ball pushed down on it whil extended n its been hurting ever since i hurt it again yesterday in basketball sum 1 tried to pass it to guy i was defending they threw it hard i deflected it n it hurt all day in my elbow

Need help thinking of a way to decorate my room? And finding things?

I'm moving in July, and will have about 3 weeks to Decorate my room. My Dad says I can theme it as long as it looks good. I'm getting a queen bed (not sure if loft or floor bed.) I like the colors deep green(emerald green), black, deep red, and amethyst purple. I like music a lot and my taste ranges from techno to rock to some country to screamo/hardcore. I play the flute, and love photography. I need help thinking of a theme and finding things to put in my room. I'm 14 by the way if it helps any. I want a calm but still unique kind of look. Only a little neon if at all.

Any way to connect older Bose Jewel Cube speakers to a Bose GS 3-2-1 Any workaround would be appreciated?

Bose couldn't repair my old Lifestyle system (19 good years) so they sold me a GS 3-2-1 system. I managed to keep the old Jewel Cube speakers and would like to add them to the 3-2-1 Everybody says you can't, but I'm betting some audiophile out there can tell me a way to do it.

They say that to move an asteroid...?

The earlier you do something to change the orbit, the less force is needed to deflect the orbit away from the probable strike zone. This is just simple, basic physics. Blowing up a massive asteroid will just make less massive asteroids and meteoroids that can still impact the Earth and do damage if you don't deflect the orbit of the original asteroid enough. Why would any even marginally sane person want to crash an asteroid into the Earth? Get professional counseling A.S.A.P.

God will forgive me for cutting, right?

I cut like 6 times because I was depressed (and still am but I'll go in and out of it as the days progress) and I've asked for forgiveness and have just cried to him. I know the Devil is making me do this and I'm going to stop, but it's so easy to think about just slicing the knife across my thigh, but when I do think these things I catch myself and stop. I won't be put into like Purgatory for the thoughts of doing it, will I? I AM stopping, though. But another thing. If cutting is evil and the Devil is making me do this then why does it feel good and calm me down? I'm 13 and a girl btw.

Why does he get light headed?

Because he has been hyperventilating and his blood pressure would be raised because of the exertion.

What does 'projection of blame' and 'deflecting' mean?

My boyfriend of almost 4 years and I have broken up about a month ago. He still texts me mean hurtful messages and insists that the break up was all my fault. I told him that the door swings both ways, but he keeps saying that its my fault. Its almost like he is trying to hurt my feelings on purpose. Someone told me he is 'projecting blame' and 'deflecting' me. I don't understand what this means. I know and accept the wrongs I did, so why does ex boyfriend keep saying its all on me?

Amalgam/silvery Fillings..HELP!?

I'm 18 and I just had one of my tooth filled with what's called Amalgam. I'm sooo scared. Is it really dangerous? Am I really not going to have kids or if I did will my kids have birth deflects? Will I alway have higher mercury in my blood? Am I going to die? I feel like crying.

What causes a urethral stricture?

You can read about the chances of std'd causing Urethral Stricture here a href="" rel="nofollow" . Unfortunately there is no testing available for HPV in men. I doubt you have cancer this early but you should discuss it with your dr. Until then you can read more about it here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Changing the tongue jewel?

I had pierced my tongue 15 days before now Can i replace the longer barrel with the shorter one...can i replace it bY myself or i again have to visit the piercer

Anyone know how i can control my extremely low functiong highly aggresive autistc brother?

he is 15 and is about 5.9. thz to synergy he has the strength of 1 and a half men. he can become aggresive at the drop of a hat over somthing as simple as he wanted the water you were drinking even though you just gave him 2 big glasses of it. (real situation happend yesterday) and when he goes bonkers he can literally bring you down to the ground with one hand. and nothing we do seems to calm him down. hes on meds and they do absolutly nothing. his psychiatrist who is supposed to be the best in our state has absolutly no personality and her only advice is to put him in an institiute. and that was on the first day she met him as a lil boy when he wasnt so aggresive. the only reason why we are still with her is because noone else will take him. weve tried other and they gave the same song and a dance put him in a home. were at wits end, and we dont belive in putting him in a home. and as for things weve tried at home, weve tried an art and dance, program for autistic kids and that turned out to be a total joke. we attempted to try the whole horse back thing but before we even made any appt they said it wasnt a good idea since he was aggreisve and could spoke the horse. and we tried the whole glutein free ting for about a good 3 months. but not only did we see any results it was coslty for. keep in mind were not the richest people. and as i said in the question he was diagnosed as low functiong, highly autisc i belive somthing to that effect. so do you have any kind of possible idea that i could do to help my lil brother, hes getting older and stronger. any at all suggestions would be great appreciated.

What combinations for these cichlid fish?

all of the other except for the convict can be housed together.convicts are a bad choice because males and female are very aggressive especially during breeding season.the others are not as aggressive as the convicts

Professor X Question? (X-Men)?

In X-Men 3, it starts off by him being able to walk.. and he looks old... It says 20 years ago... But in the recent X-Men First Class he was shot in the hip by a deflected bullet.. and they were young there.. It doesn't make sense, he was "young looking" when he could walk...

Nail Jewels and Topcoat? :)?

So, I love doing nail art with different jewels, but whenever I apply a topcoat to ensure that the jewels don't fall off, the topcoat takes the shine away from the jewels and almost..."dulls" them down, if that makes sense? Am I just using a bad topcoat?

Is it true smooth tiles effect on front legs of dogs?

My dogs front legs from wrist are deflected means its not straight,Which name is for that injury?how can i make dogs legs straight?

Hey guyz what can I do ?

hey guyz I m 18 n I ve a sis who is 24 older one and then my second sis who is 22 and them comes Me,,,Guyz I always wanted to kiss my oldest sis but I was afraid and my bonding with my second is too good we both are too close but I like my oldest sis the most...Me and my second sis usually kiss each other on lips and one day I told my sis that I want to kiss my oldest sis can u ask her if she allows me and then after 2 days my sis told me that we will go out together my oldest sis me and my second sis we all went out and she told me to stop in a calm place where no one is around we ll chat lis to music etc I said ok and then I stopped my car in a place where no one was around and my oldest sis told my second sis that go out and have a walk the time she went out my oldest sis told me that u wanted to kiss me then y did not u ask me directly...even I wanted to kiss you but just as a younger bro no sexual feelings etc I said ok n then she gave me a peck on lips etc but now her birthday is after 3 days n I want to give her a dress but i dnt knw her size should I ask her ???? that whats her figure size what can I doo ???

I need help for 10 points!!!?

Hey ok will tell you my love story lol... when i was 13 i fell inlove with a boy called george who i met in school and we were good friends and i was gonna tell him how i felt on the last day of the year but he told me he was leaving our school for another so for the last day i wrote a letter telling him exactly how i felt and gave it to my friend to give to him cause they got the train together.. it was the last day and i walked to the train station and he was on the train and opened the window to talk to me he said how he will miss me and i asked if he got my letter.. and he hadnt... he said bye and i cried for ages.. i told him how i felt online a few months later and he asked me out on a date and said yes but he didnt get back to me for a few months and i had already got with someone else cause i thought he didnt want to anymore... so i had to say no cause i was with someone.. but we still kept in contact,.. i have only had 2 relationships and i have thought about george for 10 years and still have feelings which i know sounds crazy... well anyway me him and couple of friends are meeting up for drinks in a few weeks and im soo nervous and i dont know what to wear and what to like talk about and how to calm my nerves please help me...

Would golden eye be a good character for Nazi zombies in black ops?

If u don't know who he is look him up on YouTube or google,well he can out on 007 games and was shot in the eye and so one of his eyes is mechanical and the other human he can deflect attacks and bullets put a force field can bunch a zombies at once probably and even kill that zombie from call of the dead probly in his game golden eye 007 dies so do u think he wud be a great character for Nazi zombies.

Poem about why mothers day is always sad to me. Can anyone relate?

It is supposed to be a day to honor and cherish the one who brought you into this world to let her know you are grateful but what if your left wondering why? Why bring me in if you left me having to question why am i the one child you forgot? Why is it that you made me believe no women would ever love me and that no matter how my family tries, no matter how many times i deflect it all with jokes inside iam dying each day. That i feel inferior to women because i feel they will leave and they do. My best friend the girl iam in love with never loved me and i had to leave. I remember when you walked out saying you would be right back, you said it with a smile and maybe thats why i never seem to let anyone see my laughter, i act embarrassed by it overeager to show iam okay like a five years old bladder destined to explode to erode and fade away. Its been 21 years and whats worse is unlike most cases you live close to me, you have children yet never accept me as your own. Never remember my birthday, my childhood everything that iam seems to escape your like houdini. The worse part is i can never hate you, i am just wondering why, why did you leave why am i scared believing no one will ever love me because iam danny, because iam danny....

What quote is this from?

I don't remember the entire thing, but I think it talked about confronting dragons, that if you expect hostility, the dragon will be hostile, but if you expect a calm dragon, it will be calm.

Do you think she's overreacting?

Okay so here's the story, Two nights ago I remembered It was going to be my girlfriends Birthday( 1year 3 months ^-^) the day after, but I had no money to get her anything, so I call my friend to give me any ideas that would get me cash fast, he brought up his little fight club he had going on but I had refused many times before, But this time I had no other choice but to do it. He told me the last man standing wins 3 grand, so I figure might as well give it a try, So I go, and i actually win ( im not going to lie they hurt me pretty bad but I say it was worth it :D ) So with my newly hard earned cash I decided to buy her a diamond necklace, On my way there, I looked at my reflection and I was cut up pretty bad and I had a Black eye, I couldn't really do anything about it since the store was going to close, so i went in there and purchased the necklace and left, I got home and tried to put the swelling down and disinfected my cuts. The next day I arrived at her home, But she was shocked to see me in that state and asked me what happened, Of course i wasnt going to tell her, but she called my buddy and his dumbass didn't know she was going to flip out if she actually knew what I did to get her that necklace. Now she knows and shes pretty pissed at me, she doesn't even want to talk, what should I do to calm her down? Why is she so mad? any ideas?

Name of 90's game where you had a VHS tape and you "played" against it via physical missile command console?

This was a kids toy bought at Toys R Us. It was military themed. Basically, you had to hit buttons on your command console to deflect or attack the enemies on the VHS tape. If you didn't hit buttons at the correct time, they would hit you and you would die.

Miscarriage and due date help? ?

This is a tough situation. The best thing you can do is take her mind off it. Go some place fun that you two like to hang out at. Some place that will keep her busy and she'll have no idea you're trying to get her mind off things.

I told my gf I'm cheating on her and she's going crazy what can I do to calm her down? ?

I told my gf the truth I told her I cheated on her with 10 different girls and of course she started crying and slap me in the face! Its horrible shes going completey nuts what should I do to calm her down? Comment plz!

Does it hurt to get your teeth pulled out?

So I still have two baby teeth! (D'awww) and I have my braces on but today the orthodontist tolled me is time to pulled them baby teeth out! does it hurt? Shall I take Tylenol before to calm the pain?

T-t-tampon? Help inserting a tampon.?

5th try at inserting a tampon. I know where the vagina is. My hymen is not covering the whole hole. I've had my period for over 3 years now. I'm a virgin. I know how to do it. I'm pointing it at my lower back. I'm using a slim easy glide brand at the smallest size. I'm calm while I'm doing it. Yet I still can't get a tampon it! Ugh! Please help.

BofA debit card not working?

Alright, this is the 3rd freakin' time I have to go in get a temp, and get my permanent one in the mail by blah blah 5 business days. I have the panda environmental custom debit card (the panda has nothing to do with this First time, the magnetic strip got scratched and was un readable. 2nd time, the card got "De-magnified" whatever that means, and would not read at all at the stores, or atm. 3RD TIME here we go, i waltz into line with a cart full of groceries, and sure enough, "card read error" boom. instant idiot late at night at walmart. So I took my unusable debit card to the atm, SURE ENOUGH IT WAS WORKING. 2nd day, I go to jewel, "Card read error", 2nd time also going to the atm, still working there too. i mean wth. it boggles my mind. any ideas?

Is this normal on a navel piercing?

so i just got mine done 2 days ago. its not red at all and isnt even pussy, bloody ect. looks like i had it forever. but when i look on the mirror or sit down i can see the bar above the jewel and im not sure if its normal or not. should i be seeing this or not? why am i seeing it? is it normal or does it make it look ugly? thanx

My friend is always mean? Please read. 10 Points?

i have this friend who is dead mean to me. shes meant to be my best friend but she never calls me her bestfriend. she rights down her closest friends and she either puts me at the bottom or not in the list at all. She never knocks on for me and asks me to come out. she doesnt speak to me on facebook. for her birthday i got her a big badge, and �10 worth of presents and wrote a funny little message on her wall. for my birthday she got me nothing and didnt even write a message on my wall. i give her food like when she forgets her lunch, i give her half a sandwich and give her my crisp and she doesnt give me anything back. i was also messing about today saying wohhooo no school tomorrow and she went calm down, its only one day. i was only messing about. and when something makes me laugh and i laugh for ages she tells me to calm down. she can be also dead moody to me and treat me like ****. its really annoying. and i cant speak to anyone else because shes like my closest friend. what should i do?

How to build a relashionship with my mom and gain trust? please help. . :(?

She has been complaining that she wanted a relationship and we should try talking more. So I decided to do just that . . So I told her about the guy I like, she knows him, she has met him and I tell her everything about him. Ever since then she has been starting so many fights with me, I can't handle it, I gets me depressed, frusterated and annoyed, I try to keep calm and talk to her but she always cuts me off. She doesn't want me to go out or do anything. All I ever do is stay at home. I want to be close to her and tell her things, and have her listen to me without getting mad over little things. Whenever I do try she uses the excuse of "my head hurts go away." I don't know what to do anymore :( any suggestions?

Dog was acting weird for a moment (not a health issue)..?

Some dogs go a little nuts when a wild or domestic animal uses the bathroom on their property.. they can pick up on human smells to! Anything really.. It could have just been excited and wanted to play.. perhaps it burried something there and just wanted you to know? Also, if you live in the United States, there is no real worry with rabies.. especially if they have their shots! Now that the dog is calm, and as long as it's eating.. There is nothing to worry about! :)

Magnetic field? Help thanks?

How does the charge of a particle affect the direction in which the particle is deflected in a magnetic field?

Why do electrons and protons deflect in a magnetic field?

When a beam of protons, electrons and neutrons passes a magnetic field, electrons (Beta) deflects towards the north pole while protons (Alpha) deflects towards the south pole. Why does this happen? Does the magnetic field has charges that attracts them?

My girlfriend is acting more rebellious than usual?

Usually she's pretty calm and isn't really into partying, but since we finished high school she's been going to nightclubs and really crazy parties. I don't really mind, but I'm a little worried because she's usually more soft-spoken. I asked her if she was okay but she just said it was because she was "from a sheltered family and just wanted to live for once in her life," which does make sense because her family was very over-protective. I'm just really worried about her, and it seems like she's taking this too far. She's been forgetting nights and has gotten thinner.

What would you do in this situation?

Well in this situation I would imagine I am the driver and you are the one calling the shots. I would respect whatever decision you made and go with it. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders and I would trust you. I would probably encourage you to tell me to drive forward and brave whatever is on the other side of the smoke. This is a good question and it isn't too long.

How to get faster, stronger, increase endurance?

If you want to loose weight you have to do cardio for at least 2 hours. To be a good striker you must do aimed power shots one at a time and rest. If you throw a bunch of punches youre just gonna loose all your energy and loose the fight, one of the most important things about fighting is conserving energy.

Can you put a belly button jewelry in a VCH piercing that dangles or is that too heavy?

I want to get a dangly playboy bunny jewel, but I want to know if that would be to heavy, or if you think it would work?? It was pierced with 16g but they said 14g would work too?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Please help me!!!!! I don't know what to do?

Me and my friend were messing around in my basement with these swords things we have. He hit me in the head and I got pretty pissed and without even thinking I threw my sword at him, it would have hit him but he deflected it and it hit our tv. It was a 42 inch lg plasma tv. I'm not sure the exact cost because we got it for Christmas and we are kind of a poor family so now he's really pissed he's out about a grand or so. He doesn't want to talk to me and he says our warranty doesn't cover stuff like this. There kind of like a smudgy sort of shape on it where the sword hit then about 6 cracks radiate out from the smudge. It's in the bottom left corner of the screen and when u turn the tv on, it makes a buzzing sort of sound then the audio comes on with some buzzing background sound but the screen stays black. Dad is really really mad. I offered to pay him for it but he doesn't even care. He says he's mostly mad about me trying to blame my friend. I know its my fault too and I just told my friend to stop too because he was getting roudy then he swung at me then he ran away into our basement living room where I the. Threw my sword T him just before he deflected it. I don't know what writing on here is gonna do but I don't want tuis to affect me and my dads relationship because I really don't it too. Pls help?!?!

How is this description of my superhero?

its sounds like a sound idea but you have to elaborate. why does she fight crime? who are her main villains? (and please note that just saying common criminals dosnt make a good story.) is she alone or does she have allies? And probably most importantly what sets her apart from other superheroes, why would people read this instead of a different comic ? think about these. and her personality and the way she looks. Your idea sounds cool but if your serious you need to get it toghether and draw ideas and create a hole background for her. and if possible make up an origin story for her... what happend to make her become a hero.

Ford's headlights won't turn on, but hazard lights will. Help?

Ok, so my 1990 Ford F-250 is a Jewel. And I say that sarcastically. But tonight I had to drive home without my lights on. When I stopped the truck at a friend's house, the lights were working just fine. When I started it again, and tried to turn on the lights, the two-stage headlight knob would click through both of its stages (hazard light and headlight,) but only the hazard lights would come on. I didn't blow a fuse, and all other lights on the vehicle work just fine. I tried turning on my high beams, and the floor-button seems to not click anymore like it did before. Could that be the issue? Help please! Need to work tomorrow night!

What do think of Huckabee getting out of the presidential race on spiritual reasons.?

I'm sure he's sincere. I like Huckabee. That said, I'm probably going to vote Obama, unless the Republicans really nominate a surprisingly competent person to oppose Obama, and I don't see anyone in the race who is Republican and competent.

Can a bolt of electricity be deflected by a magnetic field?

Sure. A lightening bolt is nothing but electrons moving inplasma (superheated air). Magnetic fields bend that all the time in all sorts of things. Cathode Ray Tubes for example.

What is the deal with Newty Gingrich's so-called Charity paying money to Gingrich's so-called Business?

Is that how Newty manages to pay for all those Tiffany jewels, Turkish cruises and basketball-shaped hair-dos for that awful plasticene hag Callista?

Why do some people refuse to be happy?

My mom asked me to move here in another state and I did, partially to make her happy & partially because I was bored in my situation before. So when I got there, she attacked me in the car out of nowhere. A week later I confronted her asking why she got mad and another violent fight went on and she was threatening to kill herself which made no logic sense I just asked her why she did what she did a week ago. She threatened to kill me. So idk why she has to act all angry all the time and my dad and I seem capable of love and peace and everything, having love within ourselves and respect for other people. But she on the other hand like deflects it. We even asked her why, & we say she can feel good, it's okay, all that. But she was just rejecting the idea. She always sems sad & miserable all the time. My mom I wish I could take all her sadness away. But she like does it to herself. I mean like days after days seeing her always acting or putting on this mask like she's miserable (she's, sad to say, always been like this) it's almost like you think it's your fault, it's because of you, but she's like this everywhere she goes. She also causes some of the stuff like I kind of don't trust her because she attacked me in the car that one time and I don't deserve it. I have to hold my own self respect to a point and I'm not going to just let someone abuse me. But I mean she makes her own bed & lies in it, why doesn't she not do things on a continuous basis that will cause people to react/act the way they do. I mean it's like karma/reprocussions catches up with her, bad things follow if you do bad things, why doesn't she see this or care???

Caffeine makes people with ADHD and ADD more calm?

I have ADHD and so do a few of my friends. It seems to have a reverse effect on us than it does on other people, instead of getting jittery we get more collected. Can anyone else relate to that and/or tell my why that is?

Which is not among the underlying reasons for war in 1914?

Well it's C, the Alliance system helped drag the world into war. As each country noticed that there allies were in conflict they declared war. Austria-Hungary declares war on Syria, Russia moves to protect Syria. Germany of course helping the Austrians and from there France is allied with Russia. And the rest is history.

What happens when you have a panic attack?

I have anxiety but I am not sure if I have had an acually panic attack before. The first time I thought that I might have had one was when I was sitting in class and I was getting really annoyed by the people sitting next to me while I was trying to do my work and I started getting shaky, it was hard for me to breathe and I was trying not to cry but I was able to calm down. It was really weird because I had never freaked out so much over something so little. Another time was when I was meeting with my advisor and she kept getting in my face over a project that needed to be done and I got all shaky again had trouble breathing and had to leave because I couldnt stop crying and hyperventilating. A few months ago I was just in my house and my mom was on the treadmill. The noise of her on the treadmill doesnt usually ever bother me but I was so bothered by it I had to lock myself in the bathroom and curl up in a ball and I started crying and hyperventalating. So pretty much what happens to me when I freak out is I feel really floaty or shaky at first then I have trouble breathing and start crying/hyperventilating. I know panic attacks are supposed to be really scary for people but I have never felt like I was dying just like I was going crazy. What really happens when you have a panic attack?

Any tips for what glue to use and where to find it for hime nails?

Me and my friend got together and bought some fake nails from Safeway and used to glue that came with them to glue beads and jewels etc. to them. mine turned out pretty good(for a first try) my design reminded me of fish and i loved them. but the glue didn't hold well and i lost all the beads in the pool, and the jewels seem to be holding fine. it made me wonder if i had to avoid swimming if i wanted these nails in the summer, or if there was some sort of glue that was easy to work with, inexpensive and easy to acquire that i could use. any suggestions?

Would you ever try to wrestle a gun away from a robber?

If it was pressed against your body like your head or back or chest, would you try to do any of those moves to deflect or snatch the gun away and then try to beat up the robber?

Why is lying so easy for Democrats?

By no exception, Ed and other Liebrals like him have no real idea what a lie is. 19 countries in the world thought Saddam had WMD's.. As did both Clintons. So if I say I have to go number 2 and ends up that I only farted... Did I lie? No, that's not a lie. Sorry, But I had to put it on a level that childish liberals could understand.

Is there any invention that bull proof vest has magnetic (-) charge reaction that can deflect bullet?

Considering that most bullets are made of non-magnetic lead, this idea needs some further thought....

Can Risperidone 4mg effectively treat mania?

Hi. I am 24 years old and live in Glasgow,Scotland. I am currently experiencing mania. I seen my psychiatrist this morning and she prescribed me Risperidone 4mg to calm the mania down.Is Risperidone effective in treating mania?How long before my mania dissolves?Thanks

Shield spell that sounds like protego?

It is from either a movie tv show or cartoon but dude cast a spell deflect an attack and it sounds like he says protego

Is my belly button piercing rejecting?

I've had my belly button piercing for about 5 days now and I've noticed the jewel has moved a little bit inwards, further into my belly button. Is this normal? Or is this a sign of it rejecting itself?

What is the best tube to use for tubing in a river?

I've never been tubing before and I was wondering what is the best thing to use to go tubing in the river. This river is pretty calm. There's not gonna be any rapids or anything like that.

Moon related super-powers?

I need it for my story. I'm thinking of going with the lunacy and so on effects of the moon, and perhaps the fact that it reflects the light of the sun? The fighting style of my character is based on using a rapier to deflect attacks, and also using two familiars, the abilities of which I need you guys help with. Preferably something to do with the moon...and also, another weapon? Thanks, and please, please stop deleting my questions, yahoo =w=

Where did the notion that blacks can't be racist originate?

It seems whenever someone accuses individual blacks--or blacks in general--of racism, that charge is deflected by the assertion that blacks cannot be racist because they lack the power necessary to be racist. Where did this notion originate? Is there a seminal academic paper or journal article to which we can trace this idea? I've been trying to find its origin--so far without success. Thanks.

Is this Obama's strategy for victory in 2012?

Deflecting attention from his Dixiecrat-esque record on education and DINO reforms (as well as his notorious "really cool phones" remarks) by making himself look civilized, erudite, and intelligent on foreign policy issues on the campaign trail.

Can my friend be charged with assault for this?

So, yesterday my friends and I were playing soccer to past the time. So, everything was smooth until the goalie kicked it and my friend deflected it sideways, to the biking path. The ball then rolled all the way into a biker's pedal and he literally flipped over. He wasn't hurt, but had a few minor cuts on his arms and legs. We tried to help him up, but he was hostile and told us to "get the **** away" and then called the police on his cell-phone. My friend was arrested and he won't be released until tuesday. What are the chances that he will be charged with assault? The guy is an honor roll student and was heading off to a good college this summer, and now his future and life may be ruined because of this!! Please help!!

I'm emotionally drained out. Long story short, Im tired of being betrayed by family & so-called friends.?

I was raised by narcississt parents and it wasn't until recent that I found out about that disorder and lined up the characteristics with my parents behaviour towards me. The problem is that although I've tried the steer clear of anymore people who are like that. It seems as if one of my daughters is just like my mother with the narcississism (especially with the self deflecting betrayal and lack of loyalty). I'm tired of putting my best foot forward only to get it stomped on. So I've decided to just cut myself off from everyone except for my younger daughter and my fiance (who is wonderful to me and increased my will to live). Before anyone decides to judge me, I am a good mother who loves and wants the best for my children. I'm definately not narcississtic. Please some GOOD advice. I'm about to become a hermit.

Is it legal to change pay structure without notice?

my compensation is salary + commission. (minimal salary) we are not advised of our budget (the amount we are paid commission on for any given month) until after the period begins, and it is arbitrarily determined. that is to say, we as a sales staff are not informed of an annual percentage (increase)to meet each month. instead, each salesperson is given a goal based on their prior 30 days of sales. at the beginning of any given period, we can be informed that we have to produce 50% more than we did the previous year and have less than 30 days to accomplish, while other reps have 0% increase over prior year. i wonder if this is legal or if the salary is just to deflect the fact that our commissions are manipulated to avoid paying the high performers what they have, effectively, earned.

Good songs by Damian Marley?

I just started listening to Damian Marley last week, and I need some good calm songs by him (or him and nas) like "Patience" and "Road to Zion"

Escrima stick length 26inch vs 28inch?

ok im useing escrima sticks but i cant decide between 26in or 28in 28 seems a bit more controlable and more powerful but 26 is very light and fast and easier to use in my left hand (were talking useing eskrima sticks one in each hand) my right arm is stronger so useing 28 in my left hand is a bit unweildy (i currently have 1 26inch and 1 28inch escrima sticks i use) but how heavy is oak vs rattan? (the escrima im useing now is oak) and what do you think i should go for? (please note id like to get this right because ill be buying a pair of 50$ combat eskrima to use in sparring) also like ive said its a bit difficult to weild a 28inch escrima stick in my left hand but at the same time my left hand is always a bit sloppy in forms (my left hand i normaly use for deflecting and parrying enemy weapons and my right is for heavy attacks if i need to

Need help rearranging my schedule?

I may have just been hired at Jewel Osco and I don't want to make it seem like I don't care about work because I do, but I have plans this Saturday I've had for a week now. My parents are still trying to argue with me that I need to work and I would of course be grateful that I got a job but these plans are important to me (this job is actually part time). The hiring manager mentioned orientation but she didn't actually tell me that I'm hired, just that I have to call her in the middle of the week. What can I do to make both plans work? 10 points best answer. Thanks.

How would the U.S military deflect or stop a e.l.e comet or asteroid from impacting earth today?

I know there are plans in the works to have a system capable of doing this in 2028, but what if it was an threat now

How can I calm down and learn how to drive?

I have generalized anxiety disorder and I definitely am nervous about driving. I'm extremely afraid of hurting somebody or myself, even when I'm with my mom practicing. I have to drive a big van and its difficult to can I learn and be calm?

I'm so ANGRY I need to DESTROY something!!!!!!?

Family issues......I need to destroy something to calm down. And talking to them isn't such a good idea as I might end up destroying their face......what should I break? I don't think I've ever been this angry....what do I do?

Why is ex jealous when she dumped me?

Sounds to me like you're on her ''hook'' . She uses you when there is no guy for her and she leaves you when she has another guy. You're her ''backup'' . Don't give up though, she maybe really is just confused . Its a difficult decision to move in together if she is not certain of her feelings. Cheers :)

Is Magneto really a villan? (SPOILER ALERT IF U DIDN'T WATCH FIRST CLASS)?

I don't really think he's a villian, he just does some bad thing in the future that he enjoys doing.

If an object deflected all light away from my eyes, would I see darkness or just not see it?

Your eyes operate by receiving and processing light as an image. If no light reaches your pupils, you see nothing. Total blackness.

How do you ask your mother for the router log-in details?

I'm trying to help my friend Pete set up a Minecraft server that's running on his mother's home webserver. I've asked Pete to check his router settings, but he doesn't know the password to their router. I've asked him to put his mother onto ventrilo so we can get down to some real troubleshooting, but he keeps deflecting. What can I do from my end? I just want to play Minecraft.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Would you vote for a politician than cannot answer questions directly but deflects and answers a talking point?

I can't think of a politician that doesn't do that. Maybe Elizabeth May. So it's hard not to vote a politician that deflects and answers a talking point. Sometimes I think it's an instinct they have to only speak of thinks that have been scripted and default to to the talking points when the hear key words. I know for Harper, Baird and Peppe Poilievre its all the ever do. When they hear environment and their leaving out the oil sands in Canada's emision report they respond with "carbon capture" or bringing investmment to Canada.

Are plastic airsoftg guns good?

well it depends on what kind of gun, genneraly speaking they arent as well built as metal ones. and dont worry about it bouncing and hitting you. just wear glasses just in case. you should always wear eye protection when using airsoft guns.

Do you think gene simmons is faking the "break up" for entertainment ?

He has a show called Gene Simmons family Jewels. Gene and his GF "are breaking up in the show". Than on TV interview Shannon Genes GF walked out of the interview. I want to know is this real or do you think its all bout Gene's show on A&E??

What should i do with this girl ?

weve been friends for an extremely long time and i wanna tell her that i want to be more than friends but dont want to risk our friendship , yet all my approaches are just being deflected and not taken in a serious way that shows i want to be with her what to do ?

Only Bob Marley music calms me down? :)?

I swear, only his music can chill me out, am I weird or does he just have like amazing music? What music calms you down? :)

Ways to tell who is a boy or girl on here?

Ha Ha this is a funny question. However, you claim you're a man, while some of your previous questions are not of good vocabulary, they are panicked and not nice and calm at all, and they're just plain stupid :) CONTRADICTION MUCH ?!

I have a big problem and i don't know what should i do. Can someone help me please ?

This girl is my friend's sister okay . Before 1 week i call her brother many times at night about 3:00 AM okay he wasn't answering . he is working. sometimes he comes late about 5:00 AM . once a time he came back at 5:00 AM his father was sleeping if he was awake he would be angry of him and say bad words to him , sometimes i call him to be sure he would be in home early because of his father. Anyway this day i call him and he wasn't answering i call his sister , then her father answered i told him i was checking on adam because he wasn't answering his phone , he was talking in a kind way he felt bad he told me not to talk to her again and said i should call her this time but i was checking on his son even my dad was infront of me and he closed her phone if he didn't close her phone i would give him my dad to talk to him , on the next day i told my father to talk to him on the phone. he talked to him on the phone and everything seems to be okay. but adam told me not to call her again or messaging her i told him okay because of his father until he calm down ,yesterday his father told him to delete me from his sisters contacts on the msn she was talking to me, she loves me and i love her that what u should know , but we didn't tell each other okay we just know that. anyway he told him to delete me . I want to talk to his father but his father has no time to talk to me . she told her mother about everything her mother is with us i told her on the chat that i want to see her to explain everything to her to tell her that sometimes adam comes back from the work late 5:00 AM and she doesn't know or his father doesn't know. she told her to tell me i can''t meet her because its too risky she told us to wait until he calms down i told her okay . What should i do to make her father accepts me . adam doesn't know anythign about me and her he knows that i was messaging her and i call her before 8:00 PM and talking to msn but she and i were calling each other after 12:00 AM to 2:00 3:00 AM everyday but the day i called her 3:00 AM just because of her brother i was worried about him why all this happening to us what should i do , Her mom loves me . I want her father to accept me. Guyz what should i do i can't meet her or even call her because her father took her phone but i was talking to her on the MSN and adam knows that after what happened but yesterday he told adam to tell her to delete me but he didn't say anything to her she just heard it and she didn't delete me we were talking to each other yesterday. Any Help please i want to know what should i do ???????

How do I control my anger in certain situations?

I am 16 years old. I only get angry and aggressive at the people that I know the most, usually being my parents who frustrate me on occasion; which I am not proud of at all. Most of the time I am ok with my parents and we have a good relationship but on times I just lose it. Earlier this evening I was playing on FIFA 11 and I lost a game that I thought that I deserved to win, this lead me to get angrier and angrier. This has always been a problem to me and has lead to me being in tears when I was younger however still wanting to play the game. I threw my controller and started shouting uncontrollably very loudly and obviously swear word were used. I didn't used to swear when I got angry at the computer games however over the past 2/3 years I have not been able to contain them and my parents have given up trying to control me or calm me down. I have had complaints from neighbours in the past and have had some embarrassing times stood at the door trying to explain to a complete stranger why I was so loud. In every day life I am usually more confident around my friends but when it comes to people I don't know I am really quite and get really nervous. I was wondering what the best option would be on trying to stop this because it's an ongoing thing and is hard to stop. I have considered some sort of anger management but have never really thought more of it. Please help me with this issue and give me your best advice (:

Is this top appropriate for a 17 year old to wear to a church?

If you're going to the vatican probably not as they don't allow shoulders to be shown inside. Any other church is fair game.

What do you think of the Obama Gas Price Task Force to get attention away from his failed energy policy?

For those who don't understand the question, let me restate. Is the Obama Gas Price Task Force just announced this week an attempt to deflect the blame away from himself and his policies?

How is morphine measured when given through an IV?

Ever since I had my gallbladder out I have been having episodes of intense pain, sometimes to the point that I have to go to the hospital. I had never had morphine before until I started going to the hospital during all this. During the past five months I had to have five morphine injections through an IV. I don't particularly like having to be given morphine all the time but it's the only thing that sort of, key words, SORT OF works to calm the pain. So my question is how is morphine measured (mg, ml, cc, etc) when given through an IV? And was in a normal dose? The last time I was in the hospital they gave me "400" of morphine and then about fifteen mins later another "400" of it. That seems like an awful lot to me and I could feel it tingle through my body but maybe that's actually normal? I'm just curious.

In love with my friend - do I tell her still?

You should definetly tell her how you feel. From what you say, I also think she knows you're interested in her and is waiting for you to make the first move. Tell her everything on Wednesday; I doubt it will be too late. Best wishes!

How do I calm down when I'm angry and sad?

My friend totally deleted me from his life. And this group that I loved to visit. I don't know why but it hurts so bad. I'm angry and sad and I don't know how to calm down. Please help. How do I calm down? Or what should I do?

Momentum question help?

The velocity change is Δv = Δp/m = (-2i+3j)/0.5 = (-4i+6j). The old velocity is v_old = 10,-6; v_new = 6, 0. So tha angle starts at atan2(10, -6) = 2.1 rad. The new angle is 0 rad. The deflection is -2.1 rad. (-121°)

Parakeet training help!?

how can i begin training or taming my two parakeets? i've tried a few things, but they're still scared of me. i want to be able to have them calm.

How come my higher self doesn't Always help me out?

Hi :) Lately I've been feeling really isolated, sad and alone. I've been dealing with a lot of external & internal issues on my own and it's starting to drive me crazy. All I could think to do was try sitting quietly, try meditating, and get in touch with my higher self. I didn't know where else to turn. I started crying immediately lol but once I stopped, i just listened. sometimes I do hear a voice speaking to me, and I'll write it down, and I'll feel calm. But other times when I really need to hear my inner voice, she says nothing. :( and I'm left feeling just as alone, or even more so. why does this happen? how come i can't always hear my higher self, or why does my higher self sometimes just keep quiet? please help, thanks!

How can I seem less "airheaded" around my friends?

You might be smart on the inside, you might have a deep and intellectual mind; but it doesn't matter if you won't do something with it. Prove that you are not an "air-head" by proving that you are smarter than they think. Pay attention to your friends conversations, and try to be more interested in them. Also try to pose intuitive comments and remarks.

Multiple Choice Physics Question on magnetic field?

C - magnetic fields affect moving charges. Atoms and molecules are (mostly) unaware of the magnetic field.

What do dreams about cemeteries and dead people mean?

Ok, so last night I has a dream that I was in school coming from my chemistry class on my way to the last class of the day but I couldnt remember where to go. I walked in circles around the school trying to find the class but I just couldn't remember. So I text my sister to tell me because in real life we do have the same class but she never answered. I gave up finding my class and went into the library. The library in my dream was in the school, but to get back from the library to your class, you had to drive there. WEIRD ! Anyway, (getting to the point) we weren't in a car,but there were 5 of us going back to the school and I looked over and saw a cemetery. The cemetery was covered with ancient egyptian stuff like gold and jewels. Then I saw this guy in a coffin who was dead but he was an egyptian prince I guess because the cemetery was only for royal egyptians. I could see his face so well and I was at a distance, it was like I zoomed into the cemetery. Then I look over and see the police, they were there because someone robbed the cemetery. My phone starts vibrating and it's my sister, she tells me that we had double period chemistry, which means I was supposed to stay in the class I came from. -___- Then I kind of woke myself up because it was creepy !

Could mars be made habitable if we moved more mass to its surface from the asteroid belt?

If humans could devise a method for influencing asteroids to relocate, and aim them at Mars, we could "add" mass to the planet, and/or make a large moon for a binary planet system. My idea is to influence the gravity well of the inner core of Mars to create heat, and cause a magnetosphere to form. With more of the suns rays being deflected, and more mass to hold a larger atmosphere, I believe Mars will terraform itself as the dust settles, and become habitable. In my opinion since Mars does not have the same density of metal at its core as earth, the amount of mass needed to create a weak Magnetosphere would be on the order of double to triple it's current size. The technology needed to move material from the asteroid belt, would not be achievable in the terms of propulsion. An asteroid the size of Texas would need a ship of comparable size with a specific gravity influence large enough to attract it and travel at a reasonable speed. The effect of relocating mass to Mars, would also affect Earths orbit outward, and Mars' orbit inward towards the Sun. This is not a bad thing, as you might assume. As the Sun ages, it is getting brighter, and Earth hotter. Earth will need to expand it's orbit in the future to maintain it's current climate. Do you feel my idea holds weight, and can it be done?

My boyfriend is not letting me go?

am a 21 y/o M and i have been in a relationship with this guy for 4 years. i was inlove wid him the 1st year ...but after he cheated i just kinda fell out of love (if possible ) .i don't wanna hug him kiss or hold his hand and he knows it but he forces himself on me and i just go with .it i don't wanna hurt him 2 much i tried to break up wid him but he flips out and starts crying and i cannot see him cry i give in .so decided not answer the phone anymore but can't cz he said if i do he would show up and my house and ma parents don't know abt me ! ...he says that i am a jerk for wanting to throw away all the memories and stuff (i don't ) i care abt him aloooooot but kinda like ma best friend ....i am begging to break up wid him but he wown't accept and if i force him into it he might make a scene i tried talking to him in a calm way ........not helping !!!

In Zelda: Ocarina of Time, how do i deflect deku nuts off my shield inside the deku tree?

I just got in the first dungeon in the game. i'm up against the deku scrub, and my shield isn't deflecting, even though I'm locked on and holding down the attack button. On the game, it appears that my shield is out and that it will deflect them, but i just keep getting hit. Help!!

I am a slave of Haarp, What do i need to do to survive?

You could build your own HAARP, and then synchronize it with HAARP so that it creates destructive intereference cancelling out HAARP. But that would impact you as much as HAARP does, which is not at all. Except for the cost, that would impact you.

How do we copy Hawaii and stop hurricanes in the Atlantic?

The Islands of Hawaii are small and that is the main reason why they don't get a direct hit very often. There are no known ways we can stop a hurricane from moving into an area. And if we tried, we will likely do more harm than good for the environment.

Rate my black and white team?

hmm idk who you would take out, but if you look in i think its called the white forest? catch a slakoth with the ability to never fall asleep. slaking is the best non legendary pokemon you can get if u can find one that doesnt slak off. unless your not going for a non legendary team then i would definatly switch out elektross for zekrom or the white one

Does this look like a clutch bag from the 1950's?

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How can I take my mind off of him for a little while?

Friday night I went to a lock in with my best friend and our boyfriends (they are brothers) apparently there mom didn't know that we were and they got in some trouble. Its all stupid in my opinion. Anyways they are both grounded and im not handling it too well. My boyfriend is my rock and I tell him everything. Lately I have been going through a scary time and talking too him is what really keeps me calm. Is there anything I can do to take my mind off of him until I can finally talk too him and see him again? They shouldn't be punished for too long.

I don't feel the need to get angry, am I weird?

I don't ever get really angry. I can only remember a couple of times in my life that I have almost seen red and felt I was screaming so much I was almost out of control. Not that I mind being out of control, I just think that things can so often be delt with better when one is in control. You can then be calm, think things through and talk without screaming. It's less stressful and emotional and it uses a lot less energy. The last time I remember losing my temper was when I left my husband 15 years ago. I was so angry that he had not listened to me all the times I had tried to talk to him about problems we were having and the situations that I was finding unbearable and he chose to ignore and carry on. Consequently things had broken down and fallen apart, I was angry that all we could have had was gone and I'd tried so hard to keep things together for both of us. I screamed and shouted and then left and since then nothing has ever got me so wound up. I am now a single parent with a child with severe learning difficulties and my life is very tough on a day to day basis, I suffer with depression and anxiety and even the smallest simplest things can be a massive challenge, but I don't get angry, what would it achieve? Am i weird??

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What would the best enviroment be to help create a calming atmosphere for a serious anxiety filled talk?

Do it in public, and make sure you stay on issue. Its easy to be derailed in these instances. If she insists on talking about things that are not germaine to the meeting, you may have to excuse yourself, pay the bill, and leave. (Never let her get stuck with the tab. You'll never live it down.)

Kung Fu Panda 2 Ps3 Game Help?

I'm playing Kung Fu Panda 2 on the Ps3 and I'm at the part pretty early on in the game where there are two wolves standing on top of a wall blasting cannons at you, the directions sayo to "Press the square button while Po is red to deflect the cannons", but I've been doing this for like an hour now and they won't deflect. The problem is that Po stops turning red by the time the cannons get to me and I'm very good at video games, especially when it comes to timing, so I know i must not be doing something right, everytime I press the square button when the cannons come at me, Po either get's knocked out or moves and misses it completely, I've tried all different timings and nothing is working, and this is getting very frustrating espcially since there are no walkthroughs online for the Ps3 version...So if anyone has played this game on ps3 and knows what to do, pleaseeeee let me know, of if someone can find a website where they have a walkthrough for Kung Fu Panda 2 for the ps3 that I might of missed somehow that would be awesome...PLEASE HELP! I've neverrr not been able to beat a game in my life before so this is sooooo frustrating! Ahhhhh lol...Thanks guys...And serious answers only please :)

Simple solution to birds entering turbine engines?

If the grate were designed strong enough not to be a potential source of debris entering the engine it would be extremely heavy and expensive. Avoiding weight gain is very important to commercial aircraft.

What do I do or how do I tell her? Please help me.?

I honestly think you should just up tell her; I don't mean just randomly blurt it out, but tell her how you feel. When the right time comes or when the feeling is right, just look into her eyes and tell her you love her and why, remember all the good times you two had. You'll feel so much better, and she may even admit her possible feelings. As a girl, I can honestly say that I like it when guys are straight up with me. Not only does it show how he truly feels, it shows confidence :) Good luck!

How can I get my dog to stop growling?

My dog is very protective and growls at other dogs if they get too close. But I'm just wondering is there any way I can get her to calm down and maybe accept other dogs a little better?

Can my friend be charged with assault for this?

So, yesterday my friends and I were playing soccer to past the time. So, everything was smooth until the goalie kicked it and my friend deflected it sideways, to the biking path. The ball then rolled all the way into a biker's pedal and he literally flipped over. He wasn't hurt, but had a few minor cuts on his arms and legs. We tried to help him up, but he was hostile and told us to "get the **** away" and then called the police on his cell-phone. My friend was arrested and he won't be released until tuesday. What are the chances that he will be charged with assault? The guy is an honor roll student and was heading off to a good college this summer, and now his future and life may be ruined because of this!! Please help!!

Do you think I could be pregnant?? Please help?

It's been 2 weeks since my husband and I have had unprotected sex. We had sex the last day of my period. The past couple days I feel like I have something stuck in my throat I have been feeling nausea, on occasion light head and dizzy. My stomach feels like there is a brick in it. I'm tired all the time. I have a milky like discharge, my breast are swollen and very firm also I'm hungry all the time but when I eat I feel sick. Also I have been very moody!! ( my poor husband) My period is two long weeks away and I was just wondering if it my sound like I'm pregnant.... Just to calm my mind please help me? If I am pregnant, I can't believe I'm experiencing the symptoms within two weeks of conceiving!!!

Does hard work really pay off?

So the other day my friends and I were arguing over My Little Ponies. He refused to believe that they real. To prove my friend wrong I went to a ranch one night and painted some of the horses, dyed their manes and even put decorations on them (jewels, etc). I need to if it was a coincident that he got arrested for selling candy to kids from his unmarked van?

Can a cat live with 5 dogs?

cats dont need to be moved around so much so I guess its okay . also let it out into the hallway with the other dogs besides the mean one once in a while to see if they get used to her. once the dogs like her they can be her "guard" and take over teh evil dog :D jk jk but i think it would be a great idea. keeping her in your room would be comfy :3 and your cat will not be bored if you give it love and play with it as if it were a 2 years old kid :3 good luck! (i wish my parents let me hav so much pets like you!)

Welfare loving libs: Please answer this:?

I was just at the grocery store returning plastic bottles so my mom and I would have some extra money to go food shopping. The woman checking out in front of us paid for her order with $100 worth of food stamps (a credit card so its more discrete....). Meanwhile. This woman was pregnant, wearing beautiful clothes, a necklace and bracelet with various jewels and stones. Her husband was wearing D&G glasses. After paying, the woman proceeded to pull out a wad of cash to buy lottery tickets at the customer service station. So can you remind me where the American people's tax money is going?And do you truly believe that this woman (and the countless woman like her) deserve the hard earned money of people who are actually working and struggling to provide for their own families, yet having enough dignity to not accept help from the government?

Are gold plated splitters good for internet use?

I have been having issues with my internet for several weeks now. I called my ISP to send out a tech, when he looked at the splitter he immediately said that gold plated splitters are no good for internet use, it like sucks up the connection or deflects it or something like that. I am wondering if this is true? Unfortunately I will not know if the issue is fixed up till later in the evening, as that is when the internet disconnects, in the middle of my game playing time.

Are there any succesful Aquarius (male) and Cancer (female) relationships?

Well ive been dating this Aquarius guy for 9 months now and I am a cancer girl and the months with him well theyre the best ive ever had with any guy but its odd hes not like an aquarius, he doesent mind that im clingy he likes it and he knows how to tolerate my modyness and he tries the best he can to fufill my attention needs and im still trying to learn with his emotional detatchment I hype him up and he calms me down when im too hyper lol so we balance each other out and hes always so prtective of me and loves to tell me how beutiful I am and such. He also loves it when I give him affection he says it makes him feel special so I hope we can stay together as soulmates so any succesful couples out there? Also I would like to know how to deal with my sensitivity.

If the GOP gets the credit for Clinton's balanced budget, why do they disown NAFTA?

Clinton touted both. Republicans insist that since they controlled Congress; the balanced budget was to their credit. Why do they always deflect NAFTA though?

Girlfriend Help, going out at night?

Ok, I have a girlfriend and she dresses pretty revealing when shes out, she tends to show off alot of her chest, not just a little and she will make sure that they stand out.. I love her but everybody knows that will attract attention, she goes out without me by the way with her friends, which is cool i dont mind it, i just dont no wat her priorities are? like should she calm down abit now that she has a boyfriend? she doesnt seem to take me into consideation for anything, its either love it or hate it type of feeling about the whole relationship to be honest, and i do wanna work for it, usually i would be awkward as s... about it but im learning that its her choice and i should respect that, which i do but just get my head messed up i guess..

What do you think of my cousins wedding dress?

no offense to you but i dont like dresses like that,they are just to flashy to me. i preferred the traditional look with the veil and what not. with a dress like the one you show its like they just want to be seen

Is this just a game for him?

Your best bet would be to ignore him for a bit or go no contact. Dont talk to him unless he initiates it. When he notices you havent been contacting him a bunch of thoughts will go through his head and he will become interested.

Why am I taking his cruelty so hard?

I have a pfa order against my ex-husband. In that order he is allowed to be with the kids and have minimal contact with me concerning visitation with the kids. Well last night I went to a comedy show and he was watching the kids while I was gone. When I returned I had this odd feeling that he had been poking his nose in my business which is not unusual for him. He commenced to tell me how we need to try and work things out and I told him we were over then he made some snide comments about me kissing someone else and that's why I won't kiss him. I confronted him about going through my things and asked if anything was missing which he denied until I checked and saw letters and pictures of my boyfriend missing. He demanded the paternity of our youngest son be tested because my boyfriend made references to him being his son. My youngest son is three and my ex has always acted like he thought my youngest son wasn't his but I'm upset because to him this was the perfect opportunity to deflect responsibility. My boyfriend stepped in as a father for which I'm very grateful but I'm upset because my suspicions of my ex treating my sons differently are confirmed. I told my ex I will be happy to give him a DNA test but I can't help but feel furious because as soon as I didn't agree to work things out he didn't want to be father anymore. Am I wrong for being so angry?

How to be more 'upbeat' & confident instead of dense and slow? Please help?

So .... I really want to become a more 'upbeat' and confident person!! Not dense and slow.... stubborn like I am (I'm a taurus/earth element, which explains everything) is there any possible advice? Even if it takes a lot of practice! I'm up for it, I just don't want to be like such a 'down, calm, weak, dense, slow' type of person, I wanna be like fire!

Is this a good beginner to a poem about Summer?

Hmmm. Well, instead of saying flowers again in the third line you could say a TYPE of flower you are fond of ( Daisies, Lilacs, Roses. ) I would say try to make it more creative along the way :) After all, being creative is the best thing a poet can do.

Accidently got rid of my JC profewssion in wow?

i accidentally got rid of my Jewel crafting profession in wow instead of skinning. i dont wanna spend 10k gold to get back to before and do all the dailies over again please there has to be a way to get it all back

What antenna do you recommend?

I'm getting rid of my $200 cable bill! I've got HuluPlus and Netflix streamed to my PS3 and I've purchased a Tivo (should be here soon!). My issue is the broadcast stations. I get CBS, Fox, NBC, PBS and some other local "jewels" but I'm missing ABC. I e-mailed the local affiliate and they told me obviously my antenna was inferior and suggested a $100 antenna. Is this necessary? I've looked up my location on the FCC website (down to my address) and they say that the signal is strong. Any suggestions?

Where to aim???????????????????????

* Aim for his Armpit and you won't have any further problem with him.* Best calibers to use for self-defense are the 357 Magnum 45 acp, or the 44 Magnum.* Use hollow point ammo.*