Thursday, July 14, 2011

I don't feel the need to get angry, am I weird?

I don't ever get really angry. I can only remember a couple of times in my life that I have almost seen red and felt I was screaming so much I was almost out of control. Not that I mind being out of control, I just think that things can so often be delt with better when one is in control. You can then be calm, think things through and talk without screaming. It's less stressful and emotional and it uses a lot less energy. The last time I remember losing my temper was when I left my husband 15 years ago. I was so angry that he had not listened to me all the times I had tried to talk to him about problems we were having and the situations that I was finding unbearable and he chose to ignore and carry on. Consequently things had broken down and fallen apart, I was angry that all we could have had was gone and I'd tried so hard to keep things together for both of us. I screamed and shouted and then left and since then nothing has ever got me so wound up. I am now a single parent with a child with severe learning difficulties and my life is very tough on a day to day basis, I suffer with depression and anxiety and even the smallest simplest things can be a massive challenge, but I don't get angry, what would it achieve? Am i weird??

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