Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kung Fu Panda 2 Ps3 Game Help?

I'm playing Kung Fu Panda 2 on the Ps3 and I'm at the part pretty early on in the game where there are two wolves standing on top of a wall blasting cannons at you, the directions sayo to "Press the square button while Po is red to deflect the cannons", but I've been doing this for like an hour now and they won't deflect. The problem is that Po stops turning red by the time the cannons get to me and I'm very good at video games, especially when it comes to timing, so I know i must not be doing something right, everytime I press the square button when the cannons come at me, Po either get's knocked out or moves and misses it completely, I've tried all different timings and nothing is working, and this is getting very frustrating espcially since there are no walkthroughs online for the Ps3 version...So if anyone has played this game on ps3 and knows what to do, pleaseeeee let me know, of if someone can find a website where they have a walkthrough for Kung Fu Panda 2 for the ps3 that I might of missed somehow that would be awesome...PLEASE HELP! I've neverrr not been able to beat a game in my life before so this is sooooo frustrating! Ahhhhh lol...Thanks guys...And serious answers only please :)

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