Friday, July 15, 2011

Escrima stick length 26inch vs 28inch?

ok im useing escrima sticks but i cant decide between 26in or 28in 28 seems a bit more controlable and more powerful but 26 is very light and fast and easier to use in my left hand (were talking useing eskrima sticks one in each hand) my right arm is stronger so useing 28 in my left hand is a bit unweildy (i currently have 1 26inch and 1 28inch escrima sticks i use) but how heavy is oak vs rattan? (the escrima im useing now is oak) and what do you think i should go for? (please note id like to get this right because ill be buying a pair of 50$ combat eskrima to use in sparring) also like ive said its a bit difficult to weild a 28inch escrima stick in my left hand but at the same time my left hand is always a bit sloppy in forms (my left hand i normaly use for deflecting and parrying enemy weapons and my right is for heavy attacks if i need to

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