Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I think my boss is pissed off at me about an email I sent! Please help!?

Basically, I was out sick for a week. I came back and worked late, through my lunches the next week to get caught up. She sends me this email saying something about "There has been abuse of the overtime policy in the past with other employees and you have to be here at 8:30 take a one hour lunch before 2 and leave right at 5:30 because over time is not allowed for anyone unless they are working on certain things." That's fine, no problem but there are two others here that have similar positions and work through their lunches AND work late if they need to get something finished. I asked them what they are working on when they work late and through lunch and they said "Oh just whatever, trying to get caught up." So I sent her an email saying "I understand you want me to work off this schedule but it does seem like there is a different set of rules for different people. "Sarah and Tim" work through her lunches ALL the time and after 5:30. They openly say they are not working on these "Certain thing" but just getting caught up. I would love to take extra time to get caught up but I'm the only one taking an hour lunch every day and bolting for the door at 5:30 so my hours will be straight. I don't want to be a complainer but it does seem unfair. Please shed some light on this for me." No response. That was 2 days ago. She's been kind of ignoring me, hasn't even brought it up and this is not a big office. There are only 7 people here so it's getting a little awkward. Then this morning she makes this BIG to do about a very small easily fixable problem concerning me. She was very dramatic which is out of character for her saying things like "This is a HUGE NO NO!! The attorney will NEVER take a phone call after 6:00!" I was like "Oooookay, no problem." I made one phone call and fixed the issue. It's like she's upset that I called her out and is deflecting by exagerating something I did… What to do?

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