Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to get your lurcher to come back?

she will stay with me on the walk and comes back when i call her from chasing rabbits, only to a certain distance though, and shes recently started jumping and nipping me, i know shes just over excited but its really annoying. i push her down and make her sit and calm down before carrying on. i walk her through feilds for a about an hour and a half in the evening and about 40 mins during the day, and still when i get to the gate she just stares at me, i just to run and dive into the grass and she would chase and i would catch her that way but that doesnt work anymore she just stands and stares at me, or starts running in circles. i tried putting her on her leads during the walk and letting her off again now she doesnt come close bacuse she knows what im doing shes a collie greyhound cross so very clever. shes perfect in the house does everything i tell her too this is the only problem. ive had lurchers before and i know they are excitable just want some tips on how to get her to come back better. thanks

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